MAETL President – Round 2!

MAETL President – Round 2!

Today was a super exciting day as I not only attended, but lead, my first in-person AGM as we have been virtual since 2020. Since I joined the team in 2019 I had, unfortunately, never seen an in-person MAETL AGM and WOW; what a day!

The morning kicked off with our formal business agenda running from 10am-12pm. One of our primary roles of AGM includes the election of our executive board and I am honoured and humbled to have been elected into the role of president for a second term with my partner-in-crime Troy Sigvaldason continuing to support us in the role of vice-president.

Some of the growth I am most proud of in our 22/23 year includes:

  • The official deployment of our lending library as a means of increasing tech access within MB classrooms 
  • Regular audience with MB ed regarding the provincial SIS, including an in-person visit from the Deputy Minister and recognition of MAETL as an established stakeholder in their planning and development 
  • Representation in the media for commentary on the Manitoba Remote Learning Support Center and the role of AI in education 
  • The support of provincial professional development through our support of the BYTE and Riding the Wave conferences 
  • The support of ed tech procurement through financial contributions to #TweetTheHalls and ManACE SEED Grants 
  • The sponsorship of BYTE AI for students and teachers 
  • The addition of three new partner organizations: ATLE, ECOO, and CodeBreaker EDU

After lunch we moved into a whirlwind of vendor presentations through four slots of dedicated 45min sessions followed by an open vendor fair running from 5:30-9:00pm. I tried to capture as much as I could for our socials, check it out below:

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