Technology for Reflection & Metacognition

On Mondays I share a different ed tech quote on our Thompson Classroom social media pages for our staff to consider.

At the end of May we started discussing some tech options for final assessments. For a lot of our staff, their report card comments are due this week which means that they are working to finalize summative understanding with their learners and, for many of them, tech tools play a role in this task. While I’m discussing this at the end of the school year, don’t be fooled, the use of technology as a tool for reflection and metacognition should be integrated year round!
This specific quote comes from Don’t Ditch that Tech which is one of the books shared with administrators as part of our book study program.
To learn more about using technology for metacognition, from co-authors of Don’t Ditch that Tech, check out the webinar below from Dr. Angie Ridgway and Nate Ridgway.
To learn more about one tech tool that can assist with student reflection (and is built into our Microsoft Office 365 suite), I recommend the Reflect! A tutorial from Mike Tholfsen is included below: