MAETL President!

MAETL President!

Last week the provincial organization, MAETL, held their annual AGM and vendor fair. Usually held in collaboration with the Riding the Wave conference in Gimli, this year’s event was virtual as it continued to be the most reliable option given the ever-changing public safety guidelines that were present during the planning stage of the event. While this is always a fun event, this year was even more exciting as I moved into the role of President for the 2022/23 school year! (If you’d like to learn more about our group you can check out a previous Follow Friday post HERE).

I am so honoured to work with such an amazing group of ed tech leaders from across the province and look forward to the new year. Our executive features representatives from across the province: some of which I have worked with for years and some who I am having the pleasure of working with formally for the first time. Our organization meets monthly and I am looking forward to focusing on:

  • strengthening networking and hands-on professional development through the reintroduction of in-person meetings
  • increasing our membership across all school divisions and other provincial stakeholders (post-secondary, independent schools, etc)
  • launching our provincial lending library to increase tech access for all MB schools
  • continuing to establish ourselves as a provincial leader through partnership opportunities with the MB government

To keep up-to-date with MAETL:

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