WOW Wednesday – Ecole Macneill

WOW Wednesday – Ecole Macneill

     Every Wednesday I highlight some of our amazing MVSD staff on our social media pages. Everyday our staff are using tech in new and exciting ways, are learning new skills, and are sharing ways in which ed tech is assisting them in their practice.

WOW Wednesday – Ecole Macneill. (2021). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at:

Ecole Macneill is no stranger to our WOW Wednesday series; they have integrated Smart bulbs into their classroom environments, shared out remote learning tips, and added to their tech inventory while supporting their learning through ongoing PD.

This year their tech integration continues to grow as they added an eSports team to their school and have been participating in Computer Science Education Week activities! Ecole Macneill emulates collaboration at both the staff and student levels. EA, and Microsoft Expert, Judith Cooper has been working closely with teaching staff to help bring coding activities to life across a variety of classes and subject areas. Judith has also been documenting the learning journey for students so that we can get a peek into the classroom activities that are happening; check out some examples below:

I continue to inspired by the team at Ecole Macneill. From their willingness to try new things, to their collaboration, to their ongoing support; this school really makes you say WOW!

Follow along with Ecole Macneill

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