#TweetTheHalls 2021 Winners

#TweetTheHalls 2021 Winners

Today starts off the LAST week of school in 2021 (a short week as students’ last day is the 22nd), which also means that our #MBEdChat #TweetTheHalls event has come to a close. Over the course of 17 days we had over 200 participating Tweets with a total reach of over 100,000! While the majority of participants were local Manitoba educators we also had our network extend to include schools and student groups.

This morning we used a random number generator to randomly select three winners from all eligible participants.

#TweetTheHalls #MBEdChat Winners, winners will be selected Monday, Decemeber 20th and prizes will be mailed out ahead of the Christmas break. Kirby Krause, Rex Ferguson-Baord, Dayna Quinn-LaFleche
#TweetTheHalls #MBEdChat 2021 Winners. (2021). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at: www.fishbowlteaching.com

I want to extend a HUGE thank you to:

  • all of the #MBEdChat #TweetTheHalls participants
  • Donna Miller Fry for inspiring and supporting our inaugural event in 2020
  • our anonymous prize sponsor for the Micro:bit activity kits
  • ManACE for donating prize package #1
  • MBEdChat for sharing and sponsoring the event

Wishing everyone a wonderful winter break!

I'd love to hear your thoughts; please leave a comment!