WOW Wednesday – Dimitrius Sagriotis

WOW Wednesday – Dimitrius Sagriotis

   Every Wednesday I highlight some of our amazing MVSD staff on our social media pages. Everyday our staff are using tech in new and exciting ways, are learning new skills, and are sharing ways in which ed tech is assisting them in their practice.

WOW Wednesday, Dimitrius Sagriotis
WOW Wednesday – Dimitrius Sagriotis. (2021). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at:

Dimitrius and I joined MVSD together in 2019 and since our first meeting at divisional mentorship he has proven to be a life-long learner. At almost every school visit I attend Dimitrius has been quick to sign-up for a quick question or longer PD session to help refine his practice. A self-declared “tech illiterate”, he is always adding new skills and attempting to integrate technology into his subjects in a way that adds value to both his students and himself. He is quickly getting much better than he gives himself credit for!

This summer, Dimitrius attended multiple PD sessions in the areas of Office 365, Teams, and hands-on tech kits. These are skills that will assist in the everyday navigation of our digital platforms but also provide opportunities for meaningful tech integration in his video, photography, and humanities classes.

Thank you for everything you do to model learning for your students and colleagues Dimitrius!

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