Follow Friday – Manitoba High School eSports Association

Follow Friday – Manitoba High School eSports Association

Every Friday I share what I believe to be a notable person/organization/school on our social media pages to assist our staff in the development of their online Personal Learning Network.

This week Iā€™d like to highlight the Manitoba High School eSports Association.

follow friday, MB high school esports association, follow on their website, instagram and twitter
Follow Friday – MHSeA. (2021). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at:

As we continue to plan student programming within the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic it has become evident that many of our traditional extra-curricular options are not able to happen. While there are strict guidelines in place preventing activities such as organized sports, band/choir, and field trips; online activities are easily organized within distancing requirements.

Within MVSD we have some local experience in the eSports area with the introduction of a Minecraft Club at Mackenzie Middle School. Organized by Chelsea Hockridge, this extra-curricular provides an opportunity for students to gather virtually, work collaboratively, and complete online challenges competively. As we widen our glance, however, there are multiple eSport options within Manitoba; with increasingly more options added all the time.

To learn more about eSports I recommend you check out:

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