#TweetTheHalls Winners!

#TweetTheHalls Winners!

Today is the LAST DAY of school in 2020, which also means that our #MBEdChat #TweetTheHalls event has come to a close. Over the course of 15 days we had almost 60 educators participate with a total reach of over 10,000! While the majority of participants were local to Manitoba we also had our network extend to include those from Ontario and the East Coast provinces as well; welcome to all!

This morning Donna Miller Fry and myself joined Stephen Hurley at VoicEd Radio for “Hurley in the Morning”. We had an opportunity to not only share about the connections created and strengthened during this event but also had the honour of selecting and announcing the winners who were selected randomly from all participants.

#TweetTheHalls #MBEDChat 2020 winners
#TweetTheHalls #MBEdChat Winners. (2020). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at: www.fishbowlteaching.com

Perhaps even more exciting is that one of the winners is MVSD’s own Judith Cooper: an EA, our MIE Expert in residence, and overall tech leader! I am so excited to see a class set of Micro:bits and EdCan Network membership come to one of our MVSD staff; I know that the staff/students at Ecole Macneill will benefit greatly from this prize.

I want to extend a HUGE thank you to:

  • all of the #MBEdChat #TweetTheHalls participants
  • Donna Miller Fry for inspiring and supporting the event
  • David Wall, Donna Miller Fry, EdCan Network, and ManACE for donating such wonderful prizes
  • MBEdChat for sharing and sponsoring the event
  • Stephen Hurley for providing us with a further platform to share

Wishing everyone a wonderful winter break!

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