Digital Devices – Disinfection & Appropriate Use During a Pandemic

Digital Devices – Disinfection & Appropriate Use During a Pandemic

As we prepare to welcome staff and students back into our buildings in the coming weeks our ICT Department has been working to help ensure that the use of shared digital devices is as safe as possible. From our perspective we want to help make sure that anyone who uses one of our shared devices can do so as safe as possible while ensuring appropriate disinfection practices are occuring that won’t damage our devices.

What is a shared device?

In MVSD, we consider any digital device that is used by multiple-users to be a shared device. Whenever possible we are trying to organize our devices in such a way that they are not used by multiple cohorts of students/staff but, depending on the building, we will have instances of multiple cohorts sharing the same digital devices (similar to how all multiple cohorts all use the library, playground equipment, etc). Our shared devices include:

  • laptops/netbooks
  • desktops
  • tablets
  • photocopiers/printers
  • interactive white boards
  • specialized equipment

In any shared device location, the following signage has been affixed and is accompanied by appropriate wipes to be used for disinfection after use.

Shared Device Health Guidelines for Mountain View School Division, MVSD, Kirsten Thompson

Social Distancing While Using Digital Devices

Our computer technicians, in conjunction with the maintenance department, have also been working to reconfigure our stationary work spaces to ensure physical distancing of at least 1m can occur (2m whenever possible). This includes:

  • traditional computer labs
  • library desktop work stations
  • classroom desktop work stations
  • speciality vocational labs

In many scenarios this sees us shutting down every second-third work station to ensure appropriate distancing can occur. Additionally, to help preserve our inventory we are also working at moving any unused equipment into appropriate storage so that it is not exposed to potential damage while in disuse.

Public Outreach

In an effort to improve transparency between the division and our stakeholders the following video was also prepared to communicate how MVSD is disinfecting devices; it also shares some helpful tips on how to disinfect your personal devices at home.

This video is part of a larger series that will be shared out to parents in the coming weeks.

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