Tech Tips for Attending an Online Conference – #ISTEsla20 Prep

Tech Tips for Attending an Online Conference – #ISTEsla20 Prep

     At the start of June I posted about this summer’s ISTE Summer Learning Academy being held from July 13-31.  The countdown is now on and with the sessions starting next week I wanted to share some of my tips and tricks for attending an online conference.

ISTE, MVSD, Mountain View School Division, Kirsten Thompson, Coordinator of ICT, online pedagogy PD 
ISTE Summer Learning Academy Social Media Graphic. (2020). 
Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at: 

My first expeirence with online conferences was 8 years ago when I began tuning into EduCon that streamed out of Philadelphia.  I attended via their virtual options for two years and later became even more familiar with online professional development as I completed my M.Ed via distance.

Through these expierences I have picked up on some “tips and tricks” which I feel helps make participation in these learning environments easier and helps to ensure participants get the most out of their PD.

1 ) Get on Twitter/Get Your Tweets Organized
– If you are not on Twitter, make yourself an account and get familiar with hashtags! Here is a prep guide if you are a beginner
– Figure out the hashtags for your specific sessions (if they have one). The official hashtag is #ISTEsla20 
– Determine if you will be using tools like TweetDeck or not, which is an organizational tool (personal preference).
* Twitter is not mandatory to participate in  but it definitely opens up more learning experiences for you πŸ™‚

2 ) Clear Your Schedule!
– Let people know you are at a conference (it doesn’t matter that you are in your PJs while doing it). Twitter conversations and live streams go so quickly and it can be easy to miss something if you are chatting on the phone, having people drop in, etc.
– Devote the same attention to it as you would an in-person conference, this will ensure you get the most out of the sessions you are participating in

3 ) Get Organized!
– I’m the kind of person that needs to take notes as I go in order to retain information so get you device/paper and pens/word document ready!
* If you are taking notes on your computer, save as you go! If your network is anything like mine, once you have live stream, twitter and a word document open it may freeze.

4 ) Get Familiar With the Platforms!
– ISTE has sent out their introductory email to registered participants (check your spam/junk folder if you can’t find it) with all of the need-to-know information to get started.
– I am pleased to see that they will be using the BrightSpace platform to deliver their content as this is the platform MB Ed has implemented as a replacement to the BlackBoard platform used for distance learning at the High School level; this is a great opportunity to see the platform from the “learner” view.
– You can also download the BrightSpace app (Pulse) for access on-the-go!

5 ) Give Yourself Time! Have Fun
– There is so much information available during this time and it can get chaotic if you are trying to participate in Twitter conversations while taking notes, while eating an sandwich, etc. Conference material is available for review until the fall so take a break and come back when you’re ready.
– You know yourself best so only participate in as many sessions as you can handle. Give yourself enough time to participate in meaningful Twitter and community conversations so you can really get the most out of the experience.

Let me know if you will be participating in #ISTEsla20 I’m trying to set up conversations with those in my current PLN!

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