Message to Parents/Families re: Virtual Play Dates

Message to Parents/Families re: Virtual Play Dates

Friendly reminder from my position of Coordinator of ICT in Mountain View School Division.
If you are arranging virtual play-dates for your children and their friends please do your research regarding the platform you choose to use. Many organizations are offering free services right now. Please remember that if something is free it is because you are the product.
All school divisions in Manitoba are either operating on a Google platform or a Microsoft platform (and some have both). That means your child automatically has access to a free, secure, safe platform to use that will ensure confidentially, security, and insurance that their data won’t be sold to 3rd party companies. Google divisions can offer google meet or google hangout for video options while Microsoft divisions can offer teams and Skype video options. If you do not know how to access this please check out your School Division website and contact their ICT point person.

If you are setting up a play date I would recommend that you:
– default to using the platform provided by the division
– use your own FaceTime or Skype accounts if you’re comfortable sharing that info with the other parent
– use Messenger Kids (read the terms of service to ensure you’re comfortable with how they operate).
There are many concerns about how data is used in the free versions of zoom that are now available. I would strongly recommend against this platform unless you or the School Division has the paid version (very costly but does not have the same security concerns).
As with anything online I remind you to read the terms of service on the apps that you use. I share this from a standpoint of education and remind you that these platforms have your child’s face, images of your home, and recordings of conversations. Some are more safe than others and I want to make sure everyone has the information they need to make informed decisions for their family.
Stay healthy and happy virtual play dates!

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