School Visits

School Visits

     Being out of the classroom means that I miss seeing students quite a bit.  Coming into this position I was told that I would be able to be back in the classroom as much as teachers needed me.  Luckily, I have been incredibly fortunate to be invited into classrooms regularly.  These visits are mostly centered on formal presentations to students sharing about:
– Office 365 training
– social media safety
– digital citizenship
– digital literacy
I have also had the opportunity to co-teach with staff members as they try new tech tools which is always a great time.

     Each of our schools is diverse and it has been an incredible learning opportunity being able to see different learning environments, work cultures, teaching styles, and teacher-student relationships.  I feel that I often learn just as much, if not more, than the staff/students that I am working with!  A few snapshots of my 2020 visits so far are included below:

Mountain View School Division, MVSD, Kirsten Thompson, Microsoft Certified Trainer
Gr 9 – DRCSS. (2020). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at:  

Mountain View School Division, MVSD, Kirsten Thompson, Microsoft Certified Trainer
Gr 9/10 – Ethelbert. (2020). Uploaded by Kirsten Thompson. Available online at:  

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