Educational Technology: Cure-All or Waste of Time?

Educational Technology: Cure-All or Waste of Time?

*This post has been written as part of my journey through my Master’s Degree in Curriculum & Planning through Brandon University

This week our Internet for Teachers (#BU755) class delved into the question of:
Why are there disparate views towards the effectiveness of technology in education?

disparate views towards effectiveness of technology in education, does technology increase student achievement, the relationship between technology and achievement, educational technology
Middle School Enrichment Courses. (2016). Uploaded by ASB Online Academy. Available online at:

When it comes to educational technology (ed tech) I find that it can be one of those ed topics that can become incredibly polarizing. You either find educators who are enthusiastically supportive of the implementation of various forms of ed tech or you find educators who will use ed tech if they have to but tend to stick with other materials and strategies that they are more comfortable with. Admittedly I fall into the first category and can sometimes be guilty of finding myself in an “echo chamber” that supports my beliefs because many of my colleagues who I chat with regularly share this interest with me.

Our discussion this week, however, was not simply centred on our views towards ed tech but rather does educational technology make a significant difference when it comes to student achievement in the classroom.

When it comes to educational research it was brought up that one must always question the context of the research that was performed. Education is never a black-or-white scenario. Education is full of grey-areas that are subject to such a high number of ever-changing variables that make it difficult (if not impossible) to transfer the results of educational research to different classrooms. Even within my personal teaching context I can say with 100% confidence that a particular teaching strategy will produce different results depending on the time of day, the attitude of my students, my personal attitude, the subject we’re studying, the topic we’re discussing, etc.

This viewpoint was echoed by Oblinger and Hawkins (2006) who co-authored an article titled, The myth about no significant difference, in which they open by challenging those who claim to have results for either side of this argument as a student’s learning never occurs in a “no-tech only” or “high-tech only” situation. Our students are surrounded by various forms of technology throughout their day and the authors argue that the question shouldn’t be about whether technology has increased student achievement but rather one of the following:

1. Do we think of technology as a solution in itself or as a means to an end?
– adding technology without altering our pedagogy is not a solution

2. Do we assume that using technology is an either/or proposition?
– technologies can blend, one does not have to completely replace another

3. Have we identified those processes and activities we want improved and looked at how technology can facilitate those actions?
– technology makes learning opportunities more readily accessible and flexible

4. Are we doing the same things with technology or are we taking advantage of the unique capabilities of technology and redesigning our activities?
– don’t replicate pencil and paper tasks; add other elements to enhance the learning opportunity

This video clip of Nicky Hockly appears to share a similar viewpoint to Oblinger & Hawkins.
“Does technology help students learn better? It depends….”

Does technology help students learn better? What does the research say? (2016). Uploaded to YouTube by Oxford University Press ETL. Available online at: 

The authors went on to argue that learning does not occur simply as a result of technology it depends on a number of factors including:

1. Motivation
– this all depends on what students are motivated by (which can change rapidly)
– technology can make motivation opportunities more accessible to students

2. Opportunities
– technology can help provide opportunities for all students

3. Learning as an Active Process
– the more active = the more learning occures
– visuals, simulations, collaborative opportunities, etc can assist in increasing activity

4. Interaction with Others
– any space can become a learning space due to wireless options
– rural and remote barriers can be lifted

5. Transfer Learning to Real-World Situations
– various versions of what someones “real world” looks like
– augmented reality, video conference with experts, blogging, etc can bring in the real world

When reflecting on my personal beliefs towards the question, does educational technology make a significant difference when it comes to student achievement in the classroom, I find myself siding with the authors. I do not believe that technology alone can have any significant difference on student achievement. As with anything that is implemented in the classroom it relies on a number of factors that can change as our learning situation changes. As educators it is our duty to implement technology with purpose that is backed by strong pedagogy and rooted in curricular theory. While technology alone cannot increase student achievement in the classroom being aware of the factors affecting student learning, accounting for your classroom’s unique variables, identifying a purpose, and backing all plans with strong pedagogy and theory will allow for the highest chance of success.

Weekly Reading References:
Post (old interview) with Larry Cuban on change in education – still relevant commentary.
Nantais, M. (2014). Social media pedagogy: A multiple case study. (unpublished doctoral dissertation) University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB. pp 40-50.
Oblinger, D.G., & Hawkins, D.L. (2006). The myth about no significant difference. Educause Review, 41(6), pp 14-15.

8 thoughts on “Educational Technology: Cure-All or Waste of Time?

  1. Mrs. T,

    I enjoyed reading your post. I especially enjoyed the video included. The interviewee in the video stated that there was no sufficient research that showed that by just having a smartboard in the classroom leaded to better student learning. I don’t find this surprising to hear. She is right. Even if there is a smartbaord in a classroom, there also needs to be PD for the teacher for him/ her to know how to use it effectively, a purpose, and also some form of follow up.

    1. Exactly! I have a SMART Board in my room and honestly it is a glorified projector because that is the purpose I am approaching it with at the moment. Don't get me wrong, I use it everyday and would be lost without it… but I don't think I am using it to its full capabilities.

  2. Excellent article; I enjoyed reading it and viewing the video. As an administrator, we are always trying to find better ways to increase student achievement and success. Often, there are costs associated with that process; technology certainly is one of them. In our school, we are piloting BYOD so we can utilize technological devices the majority of our students already have. Even with BYOD, schools still require a tech budget. Administrators must ensure that technology is being used properly and for the betterment of the student. Teachers requesting additional tech must provide a plan before the purchase; included in that are lesson plans, ways to engage students, and the like. The five factors mentioned in the article must be clearly understood before dollars are spent.

    1. Budget plays an important role in anything implemented in schools. Tech seems to take up more budget than some other endeavours because you have the tech itself (devices, apps, programs, equipment, etc) but then you also have to factor in the cost of changing infrastructure (more plug-ins for charging, better wifi coverage, increased broadwidth, etc). A formal plan and direction is essential when it comes to anything, but especially something that takes up additional funds and resources.

  3. I enjoyed reading your blog also, I agree that technology can increase motivation to be on technology but I haven't seen it being used as a great way to share ideas or improve or enhance their learning. For the students that are just learning about technology, it is used in a game format. At that point, I feel that motivation to get on the computer or iPad is not about the learning or sharing but getting on the computer or iPad to play once the assignment is done. I hope this posts because I am having challenges with technology.

    1. Dawn your comment did go through; you are getting the hang of this stuff! I have to disagree with you when you say that you haven't seen technology being used as a way to share ideas. I think our blogs are an excellent example of us sharing our ideas through technology. Social media (whatever platform you decide) is designed purposefully to share ideas using various media. These tools require direction and purpose to be used effectively in an education setting but they can definitely be great ways to share ideas.

  4. Hi Kirsten. I had a really good post but there was an error and it didn't publish. Not a fan of technology right now! I didn't save it, so I need to rethink things and hopefully I remember what I wrote before. I did appreciate your thoughtful response to the article.

    1. Thats too bad about your post Charlene! Were you using blogger? I only ask because I use blogger and it save automatically for me (as long as I have a stable internet connection). I understand your frustration though. I have abandoned many blog posts in the past because various glitches led me to losing my work and I was short on time, angry, or couldn't rewrite my original thoughts the way I wanted them.

I'd love to hear your thoughts; please leave a comment!