Classroom Assessment Chapter 9
To help us work towards our school goal of improving our understanding and practice of assessment, my principal has provided our staff with a copy of Classroom Assessment for Student Learning: Doing it Right – Using it Well, by Jan Chappuis, Rick Stiggins, Steve Chappuis, and Judith Arter. As I make my way through the book, I will be summarizing my learning as a means of organizing my thoughts and getting clarification on particular ideas.
Classroom Assessment for Student Learning Cover. (Accessed 2016). Uploaded to Amazon; Pearson Education. Available online at: |
Chapter 9 – Record Keeping
– everything is target-based so tracking should be too
– what does a 9/10 on “Worksheet #3” actually tell you in your grade book?
– you should have to organized to show target mastery
– have students track their understanding so they know where they stand before during a summative assessment
Record Keeping Guidelines
1 ) Organize Entries by Learning Target
– effective use of labels
– easy to report on specific outcomes
– quickly see strengths/challenges
2 ) Track Info About Work Habits & Social Skills Separately
* we do this in the “learning behaviours” section of the provincial report cards
– extra credit work
– students shouldn’t be given extra points for completion (effort points)
– if students need more formative practice & then want another shot to communicate understanding then thats different
– missing/late work and cheating
– zeros do not demonstrate learning; find other punitive measures
3 ) Record Info by Raw Score
– provide info regarding sample size
(ex) 8/32
This chapter was much longer but a lot of the information suggested different record keeping options; since our school uses a mandatory online grading system the information wasn’t applicable to me.
What do you use to organize your records?
Our schools uses the program Maplewood.
Please leave your thoughts below π