Classroom Assessment Chapter 11
To help us work towards our school goal of improving our understanding and practice of assessment, my principal has provided our staff with a copy of Classroom Assessment for Student Learning: Doing it Right – Using it Well, by Jan Chappuis, Rick Stiggins, Steve Chappuis, and Judith Arter. As I make my way through the book, I will be summarizing my learning as a means of organizing my thoughts and getting clarification on particular ideas.
Classroom Assessment for Student Learning Cover. (Accessed 2016). Uploaded to Amazon; Pearson Education. Available online at: |
Chapter 11 – Portfolio Assessment
* a collection of artefacts put together to tell a story
Types of Portfolios
Chappius, et al. (2012). Figure 11.3 Kinds of Portfolios. Classroom Assessment for Student Learning, pg 368. |
How to Select Artefacts
Chappius, et al. (2012). Figure 11.4 Who Decides? Classroom Assessment for Student Learning, pg 371. |
Keys for Successful Use
1 ) Ensure Accuracy of Evidence
– “each entry is only as good as the assignment given”
– verify with the student that the artefact is showing what you both want it to show
2 ) Keep Track of the Evidence
– find a system that fits your personal organization style
a ) how will you store the artefacts?
– digitally (photos of projects, computer files) or hard copies
b ) how will you organize it?
– hanging files, binders, notebooks
c ) how will portfolios be stored?
– flash drives, filing cabinets, shelving
d ) schedule updating time
– don’t leave it for a rush before parent-teacher time
3 ) Invest the Time Up Front
– teach students about portfolios
– why we do it
– how do you set one up
– model how to complete meaningful reflections
– do first submissions together so you can pass off responsibility later
4 ) Make the Experience Safe
– students can feel stressed by publicly sharing
I don’t use formal portfolios in our classroom; the closest thing would be collecting samples of work to showcase to parents right before parent teacher meetings (would be classified as a “celebration” portfolio).
Do you use portfolios?
If so, what kind?
Please leave your thoughts below π