Resources to Start Off Your Week 88

Resources to Start Off Your Week 88

     At the start of each week I post a list of Resources to Start Off Your Week with at least two new additions that I will add to my favourite websites page (when applicable, resources will also be added in to my Manitoba resources page). This week marks the official countdown to Christmas break! Only 3 teaching weeks (or 14 work days) until the holiday πŸ™‚

1 ) Life in the Iron Age 
– Interactive animation that walks students through aspects of daily life in the iron age; including creating fire, baking bread, and spinning wool.
– Users get to search the area for artefacts, read text passages about different tools, and take quizzes about their understanding.

2 ) Google Search Tips (Infographic & Video)
– Awesome article to help students, and teachers, learn how to use Google more effectively.
– Includes information on how to phrase your search, interesting tips and tricks, shortcuts, and more! The infographic would be perfect for the computer lab or tech station of a classroom.
– Thanks to Med, at Educational Technology & Mobile Learning, for putting this post together
Have a great week!

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