Resources To Start Off Your Week 86

Resources To Start Off Your Week 86

     At the start of each week I post a list of Resources to Start Off Your Week with at least two new additions that I will add to my favourite websites page (when applicable, resources will also be added in to my Manitoba resources page). 

     I’ve been spending a lot of time in the past 2 weeks developing a blogging program for my students for next year (I posted briefly about it before). In this planning I’ve been creating different blogging prompts to provide direction for my students; one of which included creating a fake social media post from the perspective of a historical figure. 

     I like the idea of students creating social media posts because it requires them to acquire a historical perspective and put themselves in another person’s shoes. You can use this idea easily in both the Social Studies and English classroom:

– character profiles
– historical figure profiles
– show relationships between different characters/people
– show responses to events
– you could use these as part of a larger assignment or simply have it as an exit/entrance slip to demonstrate understanding of a smaller concept

1 ) Fake Twitter Post

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2 ) Fake Facebook Post

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3 ) Fake Snapchat Post

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4 ) Fake iPhone Message Post

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I’m still looking for a good place to create fake Instagram posts. If you know of one please let me know!

Have a good week

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