Resources To Start Off Your Week 85: Remembrance Day

Resources To Start Off Your Week 85: Remembrance Day

     At the start of each week I post a list of Resources to Start Off Your Week with at least two new additions that I will add to my favourite websites page (when applicable, resources will also be added in to my Manitoba resources page). This week we stop to formally honour the servicemen and women who have given themselves to defending our country and those in need of protection. There is no school held on Remembrance Day but schools hold their own services and incorporate activities to learn more about the significance behind this day. Here are some resources to help your students learn about Remembrance Day in your classroom:

1 ) Remember Them: Veterans Affairs Canada
– The official hub of Veterans Affairs Canada (V.A.C); a one-stop shop of everything you need to learn more about Canada’s veterans
– Includes V.A.C’s Twitter feed, videos, information about memorial sites, information about Canada’s military history, and lots of resources for educators

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2 ) Resources for Educators: Veterans Affairs Canada
– The Educator’s page of Veterans Affairs Canada
– Includes lesson plans, fact sheets, informational documents, videos, and official Remembrance Day tool-kits for classrooms and schools
– This page has everything you need to plan Remembrance Day activities for your classroom and you can be comforted knowing that they are created and approved by V.A.C

remembrance day, remembrance day Canada, remembrance day activities for students, remembrance day activities for kids, how to plan a remembrance day service at school, remembrance day in the classroom

3 ) Canadian War Museum Remembrance Day Page
– The Canadian War Museum’s dedicated Remembrance Day page includes general information about the day as well as readings, images, videos, and Remembrance Day tool-kits 

remembrance day, remembrance day Canada, remembrance day activities for students, remembrance day activities for kids, how to plan a remembrance day service at school, remembrance day in the classroom

4 ) Reading & Remembrance Project
– This PDF includes 11 activities that allow easy incorporation of Remembrance Day into E.L.A classes
– The activities include a short summary and a link to a full lesson plan with resources
– Activities are organized by age-level

remembrance day, remembrance day Canada, remembrance day activities for students, remembrance day activities for kids, how to plan a remembrance day service at school, remembrance day in the classroom

5 ) Veterans Affairs Canada: YouTube Channel
– The official YouTube Channel for Veterans Affairs Canada
– Includes short vignettes regarding Remembrance Day, interviews with servicemen and women regarding military services and life, and news relating to the military and veterans
– Could be used to learn more about Remembrance Day and a good source of primary sources regarding Canada’s military experiences

Enjoy Your Week!
Make sure you take the time this week to stop and honour those who serve.
remembrance day, remembrance day Canada, remembrance day activities for students, remembrance day activities for kids, how to plan a remembrance day service at school, remembrance day in the classroom
We Shall Not Forget. (2014). Uploaded by Dr. George Hall Public School.
Available online at:

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