Goal Setting During Mat Leave – Reflective Blogging Part 1

Goal Setting During Mat Leave – Reflective Blogging Part 1

     As excited as I am about being back in the blogging world, I am nervous that I will fall off the wagon again as soon as Baby Thompson arrives in 2 weeks?… 3 weeks?…. any day now?… I know I will need to maintain some semblance of focus, however, because I also resume my master’s classes at the start of September. I am hoping *fingers crossed* to attempt to set aside some time every 2-3 days while baby sleeps (is that delusional thinking?) to work on my classes, blog, and attempt to maintain my sanity.

blogging challenge, educator blogging challenge, teachers on maternity leave, what teachers do during maternity leave
Resourceaholic Reflects. (2014). Uploaded by Resourceaholic. Available online at: http://www.resourceaholic.com/2014/11/reflection.html

     One thing that I found that I think will help maintain my focus is Reflective Teaching Blogging Challenge hosted by Terry at Te@ch Thought. While the original challenge is a year-old already I thought it would be the perfect thing to keep me on track over the next little while.

DAY 1 – Write your goals for the school year. Be as specific or as abstract as you’d like to be.

1 ) Prep for the new classes I will have when I return in September 2016
– I am so excited to be taking on more social studies and science classes (at the high school level)! I will pretty much be coming back to my dream position and while half of the classes will be ones I have taught over the past two years, half will be new to me.
– As I gather resources, I will be adding them into my new Manitoba Resources page.

2 ) Complete my master’s classes with a B+ or higher
– While I maintained an A+ average in my B.Ed degree, I averaged an A- in my first year of the M.Ed program.
– Despite adjusting to a new lifestyle this year, I want to achieve a B+ or higher in my classes this year.

3 ) Continue assisting with student council and attend 2 meetings a month
– I co-supervise our school’s student council with a close colleague and I’d love to continue assisting in any way I can.
– I am an extrovert who gets depressed when I don’t have an outlet to socialize; I am hoping that attending the meetings will give me a trip out of the house, visit the school, and show off baby πŸ™‚

4 ) Blog at least 5 times a month
– This number seems very small to me when I see it written out…. but I am trying to be realistic!

If there is anyone reading who has taken a maternity/paternity leave before, did you do anything school-related during that time or was it strictly family-time?
Are these goals at all realistic?

I'd love to hear your thoughts; please leave a comment!