Blogging 101 – My Session at MTS Awakening Possiblities
I am very excited I had a “speaker” name tag! |
All excited, showing off my session poster! Thanks to John Evans for the photo 🙂 |
My session took place Thursday morning before lunch and I was so happy with how many people were in attendance! Compared to previous presentations that I had done, this was easily the biggest audience with well over 5x the attendees than I had seen previously, yay!
I started off by having everyone get into groups based on their teaching level: Elementary, Junior High, High School (I also had several admin who picked a group based on their interests). Using Padlet/Wallwisher, I asked those in attendance to discuss in their groups and share why they would want to blog or how they want to use blogging. See their awesome responses below!
My session was divided into four main sections:
1 ) Why Blog?
2 ) Blogging Platforms
– How do you want your blog to function?
3 ) Parental/Guardian Consent
– Matching your divisional/school guidelines
4 ) I Got A Blog, Now What?
– Author system
– Expectations
– Implementing a blog into class time
I’m actually considering building upon this session and creating a series of videos or podcasts on each of these sections in more detail. What are your thoughts? Is this something that would be helpful?
Leave any blogging questions below!
Hey Kirsten, great slide deck, I wish I could have attended your session … but I thought I'd better do my own 😉 Glad it went well, start of a great speaking career!
Thanks Mr. Nantais! I would have liked to attend your session as well, it is too bad we were slotted against on another. I went back through the twitter feed and saw some really interesting dialogue take place during yours though, good job at getting people thinking!