November Currently

November Currently

 If you haven’t encountered a “Currently” post before, it is just a fun post at the beginning of each month that serves as a way to share what is Currently going on in your life! You can link up and share your own “Currently” post by visiting the wonderful Farley over at Oh’ Boy 4th Grade.  

     November is here and that means that it is almost time for my first parent-teacher experience as a teacher! I feel like this month will fly by with all of the new things that I have to learn, all of the things to prepare for, and all of the excited/nervous feelings I’m having. Wish me luck!

8 thoughts on “November Currently

  1. I love Snickers and Apples Salad. My sister-in-law's mom made it last year and it was the first time I tried it. I was hooked! P.S. I am loving your blog! I'm really interested in Whole Brain Teaching so I'll be looking around!

    Adventures in Teacherland

    1. It is an unbelievable combination! It is one of those things, like cream cheese dip, I have to ration myself because I could just keep eating it! haha

      Thank you for visiting/commenting, I look forward to learning from you

  2. Oh Man! When I lived in Tampa, FL I used to go to the Lightning games. I LOVE watching it in person. On TV, not so much! I hear ya on those chores! I wish the dust bunnies could just do the work for me! Thank goodness I only have a one bedroom apartment!

    I found your blog through Farley's Currently! I hope you have an amazing holiday!

    Lil Bit Country

    1. It is such a great atmosphere, isn't it! It always gets me pumped up, even after a long day of teaching.

      You would think that with the few hours we're home, our house would be spotless. I have no idea where the mess comes from!

      Thank you for visiting and for your kind words πŸ™‚

  3. I just finished 100% of my parent teacher conferences! Only took up 10 1/4 hours! I am super glad they are over with! Looking forward to our Teacher Work Days on Monday and Tuesday to get some grades done and actually have time to plan and get some new centers printed and laminated.

    Found your blog through Currently! Would love for you to head over and check out my blog…

    If You Give a Teacher a Treat

    1. I am so jealous that you are already finished up! It doesn't help that the time change makes it dark so early now. If I stay at school late it always feels SO much later now that its super dark out.

      We don't have Teacher Work Day here, that sounds like such a great idea though! I wish for a few days to get caught up, that happens on my weekend.

      I'm heading over to see your blog now!

  4. Good luck with your conferences! I remember being super nervous for my first round of conferences. Mine are coming up in a couple weeks. In fact that reminds me that I need to start getting report cards completed! So much to do, I am welcoming winter break with open arms! Enjoy the rest of our weekend.

    Fifth Grade Wit and

    1. Thank you Chelsea! I am definitely nervous/excited. I am more nervous about making sure I have everything done correctly as opposed to actually talking with parents/guardians. I hope it all comes together!

      Good luck with your report cards and conferences πŸ™‚

I'd love to hear your thoughts; please leave a comment!