October Currently

October Currently

          If you haven’t encountered a “Currently” post before, it is just a fun post at the beginning of each month that serves as a way to share what is Currently going on in your life! You can link up and share your own “Currently” post by visiting the wonderful Farley over at Oh’ Boy 4th Grade.  

     It is finally my favourite month of the year… October!! I LOVE October! October means that fall is officially here, the leaves are changing, my birthday is in October, Thanksgiving is in only 12 days, Halloween arrives, hunting season is upon us, football is in full swing, my husband starts hockey in a few weeks… well you get the idea. Needless to say, I will be loving every day of this awesome month!

currently, currently bloghop, oh boy 4th grade

1 thought on “October Currently

  1. I really like your tip for easy whiteboards! Now if only my students will put caps back on the dry erase markers… Cute blog!!

    The Froggy Pond

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