Teaching Truths I'm Learning The Hard Way

Teaching Truths I'm Learning The Hard Way

     It has officially been one week since school started and I couldn’t be happier with how things are going. I am so happy to be part of such a supportive staff and spending time with such amazing students! Overall, I am feeling confident in my planning, curriculum, and management… but I don’t think I was actually prepared for how busy teaching is!

teaching truths, teaching is busy

     I spent a HUGE amount of time this summer planning and I am very organized. I have my supplies and plans in place, I have back up plans… and yet there is still just SO much to do! I just don’t think I realized how time consuming everything can be.

After one week in, here are some teaching truths that I’ve learnt the hard way:
– Invest in truly comfy and supportive shoes
– Pack lunches that can be eaten on the go
– Somehow drink enough liquids to stay hydrated, but not enough
  that you need to go to the bathroom because there is no time!
– The photocopier/printer will break on the day your students lose
  their handouts
– Caffeine, at any time of the day, is a good idea

Teaching is definitely a busy job but I wouldn’t trade it for the world!
Do you have any teaching truths to share!?

6 thoughts on “Teaching Truths I'm Learning The Hard Way

  1. Your list totally reflects what I am feeling as well. I know many of my colleagues have flip-flops stored away for after school!

  2. Ah yes, add to the list of things you didn't learn in teacher education! Also keep them in mind when you are a guest speaker in I4Ed next semester! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Haha yes, all those practical things that you don't know until you actually have your own classroom! Is this my official invite? I will be pumped to be a guest speaker!!

  3. Even after 20+ years of teaching that is all still so true. I also found by the end of the first full week of teaching my teacher voice was almost worn out. Fortunately it's back after a relaxing weekend.

    Good luck with week two!

    1. I would like to think that by year 20 I will have all of this down pat haha but by then there will be so many new things to learn that I will always be on my toes anyways!

      Glad to hear that a relaxing weekend can put things back on track ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the well wishes and the same to you!

I'd love to hear your thoughts; please leave a comment!