Resources To Start Off Your Week 68

Resources To Start Off Your Week 68

     The Twitter-Tried-It Challenge has been in place for over a week now and while I haven’t gotten a big participation level on the blog, I am hoping that a lot of people are individually participating in their own ways. Right before the weeked I shared the great resources by the mRLC and tweeted it out so hopefully that inspires a few people to try it out!

     I know that a lot of my American followers are officially on their summer holidays (lucky ducks) so I wanted to share another resource that is perfect for the holidays and could be used for the challenge! MOOCs are a great way to participate in professional development, are often free, and can be done from the comfort of your own home! If you haven’t ventured into the world of MOOCs yet I’ve included an infographic below that does a nice job of summarizing them. As always, I will be adding this to my list of resources under the Fav Websites heading.

The MOOC List
– This website features information about upcoming MOOCs
  (Massive Open Online Courses) that anyone can participate and benefit
  from! It takes information from other MOOC sites like Coursera, Open
  Learning, EdX, etc and puts all the information in one nice, clear list.
– This website is a great place to visit if you are interested in some free,
  online PD or you could use it to research MOOCs for your students who
  may need extra enrichment.

MOOCs, MOOCs for students, MOOCs for teachers, massive open online courses

     Remember, if you try something new I would love to hear about it! Link up with the Twitter-Tried-It Challenge, leave a comment, or tweet to share your experience 🙂


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