February Currently

February Currently

     It is February! That means that I have only ONE MONTH left in my university classes! (After 6 years I can’t believe that I am actually saying this) We start our last student teaching placements in March and then will be graduating in May! I am so excited about the idea of having my own classroom and starting a new chapter of my life but I will honestly miss university as well. My fiance and I have both worked at the university for the entire time we have been enrolled and have loved the atmosphere on campus, it will be weird to leave!

     I have been on a “Tech-Break” since Wednesday evening and been trying to ignore email, Twitter, blogging, etc in hopes of catching up on some “me time”. I’m not sure if it actually worked because now I feel terribly behind but it was nice to just spend time with my fiance and do our own thing. We have actually finished our office renovations now! If you remember back to December, my dad came down and him and my fiance put in new flooring and floor-to-ceiling bookcases. Now, after a wonderful shopping spree at IKEA, we now have wall-to-wall desks so we can both work on school work at the same time!

8 feet by 8 feet of desk! So much space πŸ™‚

     If you haven’t encountered a “Currently” post before, it is just a fun post at the beginning of each month that serves as a way to share what is Currently going on in your life! You can link up and share your own “Currently” post by visiting the wonderful Farley over at Oh’ Boy 4th Grade.

currently, oh boy fourth grade, blog hop, monthly blog hop

6 thoughts on “February Currently

  1. Oh my gosh, you sound exactly like me! I just told my mom today that it's going to feel so weird graduating and not being on campus anymore. I've spent 5 and a half years in college, so even though I'm super excited to see what's next, I'm kind of nervous to leave where I feel secure.

    Also, love love love that office space. Don't have room for one now, but I have a whole board dedicated to my future office space on Pinterest. Haha.

    Happy Sunday!


    1. Thanks Emily! We still need to decorate and organize (as you can tell from the tape measure and hammer still out) haha but it is now functional at least. I am totally in the same boat as you, I cannot wait to organize and use all the ideas I've found on Pinterest πŸ™‚

    1. Thanks Lori! It is something we have wanted for a while and since both my fiance and I are going to be teachers we will definitely need it πŸ™‚

  2. Hi! We're your newest followers thanks to Farley's currently! Tech breaks are so hard. I am extremely addicted to all but twitter. I can't figure it out. I think that's a good thing!! Have a great day!
    Little Birdy Designs

    1. Thanks for visiting and following! I am the opposite because I find that I am most addicted to Twitter! It took some time but it is now my go-to PLN tool and I miss it the most during tech breaks πŸ™‚

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