More on Professional Portfolios
Tomorrow in my Science Methods class we are having a “portfolio fair” in which we take turns sharing our professional teaching portfolios. We are able to see what other people have included, get formatting/organization ideas, critique for errors, etc. In case you missed it the first time, I actually took a very big step (for me) and decided to share my portfolio to the world via a blog post last month.
While I can’t say I received any constructive criticism, I did receive a lot of kind and supportive comments so that must mean I am doing something right! π Right?? Since that time I have tweaked a few areas and added some new information:
– Completed my philosophy on education
– Edited grammatical errors
– Added in various work samples under various subjects
Although it is still a work in progress and I know I will be modifying it right up until a teaching interview I wanted to share it again since I will be sharing it in class tomorrow with my peers.
Like last time, any comments would be appreciated because I would really like it to be the best that it can be! I will post again this weekend and let you know the feedback I received in class.
** All contact info that is on my portfolio is available on other places on the web so there is no sensitive information being shared without permission!