200 Follower Giveaway!!

200 Follower Giveaway!!

I can’t believe that in only two short months I’ve gained another 100 followers and I’m now at

     With my education degree finishing up in a little over seven months I am finding that I am wanting to blog more and more to share what I’m learning in my last classes. I’ve also been able to share my blogging experience with other students in my faculty, which has been very rewarding! Each day I am able to network with more teachers from all over the world and I have learned so much about the field of education from teachers with various backgrounds. I can’t wait to see what the future brings!
     To celebrate this milestone I am pleased to announced that I have teamed up with some incredibly supportive teacher bloggers to offer an amazing giveaway!


free itunes gift card, giveaway, freebie

$10 iTunes Gift Card courtesy of Karla at Technology Tailgate

giveaway, freebie


free starbucks gift card, giveaway, freebie

$5 Starbucks Gift Card courtesy of Nicole at An Uncommon to the Core Teacher

Uncommon to the Core, giveaway, freebie

free TPT items, giveaway, freebie

TPT Store items courtesy of Stephany, Stephanie and Kathi at Primary Possibilities.
One item from Stephany Dillon’s TPT Store.
One item from Mrs. Vanmeter’s TPT Store.
One item from Berry Creative’s TPT Store.

giveaway, freebie


giveaway, freebie

Number Word Interactive Emergent Reader Book courtesy of Maria at Kinder Craze.

giveaway, freebie


giveaway, freebie

iStudent File (All About Me book with a tech feel!) courtesy of Kate at EduKate and Inspire


free kindergarten resources, giveaway, freebie

free kindergarten resources, giveaway, freebie

Classroom Community Building “Bucket Filling” Activity Packet
Crisscross Rules For Good Listening Posters, Poem and Book Printables
courtesy of Laral at Little Miss Kindergarten

Little Miss Kindergarten, giveaway, freebie

free electricity unit plan, giveaway, freebie

Grade 6 Electricity Unit Plan courtesy of myself!

giveaway, freebie


A BIG, gigantic, thank-you is going out to all of the wonderful blogs sponsoring this giveaway!!
Contest closes Friday, September 21st and the winner will be announced on Saturday.
Good luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

13 thoughts on “200 Follower Giveaway!!

  1. Wow Kirsten!! This is amazing!! Congratulations on your 200 followers!!! What a great accomplishment! I hope you are getting credits for one of your teaching courses by doing this!!!

    My Whole Brain Teaching Blog

    A Grade One Nut and Her Squirrelly Crew

    1. Thank you so much Liann! I am pretty excited πŸ™‚ I have been able to network with so many amazing teachers, like yourself! I am not getting credit for it but I enjoy it so it is all worth it πŸ™‚

  2. Oops – just read I was supposed to tell you why I love teaching!! I love teaching because the kids are so wonderful and eager! I love the creativity, the challenge and the opportunity to learn!!!

  3. I love teaching because I love having the children learn new things everyday using so many fabulous strategies, products, and ideas!

    1. I love teaching because building positive relationships with kids and watching them learn and grow is so rewarding! What a great giveaway!

  4. I love teaching because right now I'm at home teaching the best, cutest little boys in the world (they are mine, I'm a little partial).

  5. I love teaching because no day is ever they same. Every child, every group is a new "story". How do you reach them, teach them? Sometimes figuring that out easy sometimes it is more difficult. But when you find the key, the rewards are endless.

  6. I love to teach because I love seeing the process unfold in all our young learners (especially my own). Watching this all unfold in my own kids, helps me to appreciate the learning process as a whole. It's also so rewarding to see all the hardwork we put in, hours of planning, prepping, etc. and then it clicks. Give me an "Oh, yeah!" πŸ™‚


  7. I love teaching because I remember the struggle school was for me and that drives me to create school to be a positive environment!

  8. Congrats on 200 followers! I love teaching for so many reasons. I love to be a positive influence in students lives and help them achieve great things whether it be small feats or big feats.

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