Official WBT "Blog Bug"

Official WBT "Blog Bug"

I have exciting news!
Chris Biffle got a hold of me yesterday (yes, Coach B!) and offered me a position with WBT as the
 Official WBT Blog Bug.
whole brain teaching, whole brain teaching blogs, list of WBT blogs
I’ll be using this logo on my blog when I’m posting about WBT blogs!

I will be working with the wonderful Misty from Think, Wonder & Teach and Melissa from WBT with Scrapbunny on all things WBT blog related!

Not only will we be continuously networking with all the wonderful WBT bloggers out there but we will also be in charge of updating the ever-growing list of WBT blogs.

 Together, we will be creating a brand new up-to-date blog list in the WBT forum soon so users can access all the WBT blogs in one easy location.
Plus we will be working on creating new, exciting ways to promote the best WBT blogs!
(I will update the list on my blog as well)

Need to update the info about your blog?

Found a great blog that needs to be added to our list?
Want your blog on the list?
Know a blogger that hasn’t posted in a while and needs a pick-me-up?
Want to work on a collaborative blog project?
Let us know and we will take care of it all πŸ™‚

15 thoughts on “Official WBT "Blog Bug"

  1. Congratulations! That is totally awesome..looking forward to it πŸ™‚
    Teaching in Paradise

  2. Congrats to three great bloggers!! Love the Button!

    Mrs. Stoltenberg's Second Grade Class

    1. Thanks Nancy! I'm glad it turned out so well, I can't wait to really get to work on all of this πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you Anne, I am very excited to be working with so many amazing blogs and such a strong team πŸ™‚

  3. That sounds like great news! I'm not sure what WBT is, but I'm curious and am going to check it out. πŸ˜‰

    Lauralee (stopping by from We Teach)

    1. Thanks Lauralee, I love to have visitors stop by from We Teach :). This is something that I am very excited about. Definitely stop by the Whole Brain Teaching website to learn all about it πŸ™‚

  4. Congrats! I love your blog. I have awarded you the One Lovely Blog award. Check out my blog to collect it!

    Fun 4th Resources

  5. Love your blog! I started doing WBT in my classroom last school year and loved it! I was very good with doing Class-Yes, Teach-Okay, and Hands & Eyes, but had a hard time keeping up with the scoreboard when I was working with small groups or was not at the board all the time, you know? I wished the scoreboard was portable! πŸ™‚ I am hoping to being implementing some other aspects of WBT this school year coming up. What is the criteria for being a WBT Blog Bug?
    I'd love for you to stop by my blog Simply SWEET TEAching

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