Cooperating Teacher = Pro-WBT?

Cooperating Teacher = Pro-WBT?

So my second student teaching placement begins in approximately two months and counting, yay! As you know, near the end of my first student teaching placement I discovered WBT and was so amazed. It is something that I want to continue developing and using in the future. Not only does it help manage your classroom but it engages your students mentally, visually, verbally, physically and it is fun! What could be better than that?
    It is time for me to reach out and send an email to my cooperating teacher who will have me in his classroom for eight weeks and will serve as both a supervisor and a mentor during that time. The email will just be a very simple introduction so I’m hoping that we can set up a time for me to visit the school and meet him in person this month. Compared to my first student teaching placement I feel a lot more confident and less nervous since I’ve been through it once already. I realize, however, that each classroom can be sooo different so I am making sure I go into it with a clear slate.
    One thing that keeps popping up in the back of my mind is my conversation I had with one of my professors earlier this week. I’m really hoping that my cooperating teacher will be open to the idea of me using WBT during my placement. My email to him is ready to send off so fingers crossed!

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